The Shell card with Viber offers unlimited use Viber in khmer

Shell Card is the first mobile phone company in the country, which provided for special projects to use Viber is another new option customers. In the past to the new shell is also provided card Facebook to customers as well.

Customers who subscribe to the free Viber can use Viber maximum without affecting the data from the Internet on the project. Was included in the project, including the phone chat, as well as sending sticker images and additional functions Viber Chat.

Nick Van shell company marketing director, said card "card in the name of a shell company, we strongly believe for the digital technology-related experience as well as the client's knowledge of  functional use of his favorite programs without fear for free. We are sure that our customers will be happy to welcome new relationships and project a positive view that the free Viber will run better on the market ".

To subscribe to the free Viber Click # 6762 # and then send the ready.

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