Way security six steps your firm needs to consider

According to the information security professional experience successfully attack is due to the conduct of the staff who work in the unit. According to a recent referendum, according to Intel Security 5 reasons 7 is caused by the actions of employees. Short by successful penetration in the unit is due to the help of those who work on a daily basis.

1.Information Technology professionals, about 38% believe that do not understand the fundamentals of information security is the responsibility of the attack. There is a basic understanding that you need to explore, such as 1 / Do not click on links sent from you do not know yet 2 / do not need to go to the Web site that does not know the precise and do not need to download a file that send from you do not know and so on. 

The presence of social networks (social network) is a good mechanism to connect with anyone around the world. It is also a good way to share the link is incorrect (malicious links) with everyone. Therefore, information technology professionals, 30 percent believe that the increasing use of social networks provides an excellent mechanism to spread. 

You must have an interest incorrect link that sends you know, especially people that you just do not know. Social network account is generally and be used to promote malware Therefore, please think twice before you click. 

3.Phishing techniques are effective ways that attackers use.29 percent of IT professionals that it is the source of the attack, which is complicated. 

4. We use the Internet too
We all prefer to use online file storage service, attackers prefer to use.You can steal data from these services or use stolen passwords to infiltrate computers. 

5.For many reasons, we prefer to take their personal devices into the workplace. For security reasons, it is very bad. 24 percent said the use of personal devices has made it difficult to manage it and make the network security company. Your own devices, you can not have the same security standards to the tools provided by the workplace. 

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